Its my blog so ill write whatever I please, right ? Hmmm so here goes : well we all have blackberries now and well, seeing as we pay an extra fee in order to enjoy the special services that are available only to users of the device, however small, its understandable that we would like to send broadcasts ,surest and fastest way to share something with all or most of your blackberry contacts.
Thus because its so fast and time-saving and caters to a large number of needs, its the surest most annoyingly used feature on the blackberry device, actually revealing the iq level of those who use it. Yes. I said IQ.
Anyways my simple point is that you do not have to send stupid broadcasts all the time. There's this saying :
'Better to shut your mouth and be thought stupid, than open it and completely remove all doubt'
Same goes for bcs. Better not to type or forward the one you have received and be thought stupid, than to type or forward, and completely remove all doubt.
Send them when it will be useful. Maybe for traffic updates, or job or contract openings(in which case it'd be nicer to take the pain to select only a group of people),or to warn and inform or something drastic such as a fire, accident or robbery(which you have confirmed by the way).
You can also send if you need help promoting your business, particularly with marketing and sales. But abeg not daily. Not even weekly.
Please do not write : BROADCAST THIS TO TEN PEOPLE OR ELSE YOU WILL BE STRUCK BY LEPROSY. Matter of fact, if anyone sends a message ending with a threat of something bad happening in the event that you dont forward it, thank God for revealing this before the person gets you in bigger trouble and delete the person INSTANTER !!!!
Do your best to limit the greetings to festive days/periods. Theres no need to wish everybody 'Happy New Week' every single week. It just makes you seem idle and possibly bored.
Oh and during the RIM brouhaha people actually said bbs will be deactivated if some broadcasts weren't forwarded i.e they believe that payment of BIS and use of the phone is not enough. In order to save the phone, you have to send everyone a message to change dp so their phones can keep working. Hian !!!This is a fundamental issue, way more serious than bb abuse. I wee treat it in another post.
Nuff said for now.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
CHRISTIAN TOASTING .......................... OR NOT
BREAK UP TOO. ENJOY ................
BREAK UP TOO. ENJOY ................
Now I know why Solomon had 700 wives... Because he never met you.
For you I would slay two Goliaths
You float my ark.
I didnt believe in predestination until tonight.
The word says 'Give drink to those who are thirsty, and feed the hungry'; how about dinner?(Nobody should try this on me)
I know its absurd, but every time I walk towards you, it feels like im being lead to bethlehem.
My spiritual gift is my good looks... it lifts peoples spirits
You are so unblemished that I would sacrifice you.
You are perfect, except with all the sin.
I went on a beach mission but all I ended up doing was mission you.
Is this the transfiguration.. because you are glowing
I used to believe in natural theology, but since I met you I've converted to divine revelation
Bathsheba had nothing on you
Mark Driscoll takes up 35% of my ipod memory.
Bible-Gateway happens to be my homepage.
Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead
How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?
How would you like to join my Purpose Driven Life?
If you say no, I will rip out my hair and my beard
Unfortunately I cant perform miracles and I've only got enough bread and fish for 2 people.
It's obvious to me that you sprouted from the good kinda soil.
I believe one of my ribs belongs to you.
I just don't feel called to celibacy.
I'm a proverbs 32 kind of guy and you're a proverbs 31 kinda woman...
If we were around with Noah... then you, me... pair.
Let me sell you an indulgence because it's a sin to look as good as you do.
I'm pretty much considered an elder in the congregation these days
Me. You. Song of Songs: the remix.
When I read philippians 4:8, I think about you.
I would leave 99 sheep to come and find you... and then I would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder
Look, you're nearly 22. Most christians are 3 years into marriage by now... just settle for me.
You make me want to be a better Christian.
You make the Queen of Sheba look like a hobo.
Do you need prayer? because I am certainly willing to lay hands on you.
“I would part the Red Sea for you.” It’s the Bruno Mars of Christian pick up lines.
“What’re you doing for the rest of your afterlife?” Hashtag #raptureromance..
“10% of me is 100% certain that I can give you 10% of my heart forever.” This is to be used only during tithe and offering time and is so confusing it just may work.
“Let’s be like Noah and do this as a pair.” Solid. Gold.
“You must be Egyptian because I’m a slave for you.” It’s Britney meets B.C.
“You and me, we’re like loaves and fishes…we just might be a miracle.”.
“Do you want to be accountability partners?” Oldest trick in the book.
“On first dates, I always take girls to get BBQ ribs. It feels the most biblical considering they came from one.” This one is super impressive.
“I know you’ve already said no once, but call me Joshua because I’m going to break down your walls.” I think any woman would love to be referred to as Jericho.
“I’m no Joseph, but I’m having trouble interpreting the dreams I’ve been having about you.” As long as you don’t mention skinny or fat cows, you should be golden. Wait, no golden cows either.
“I don’t know if you noticed but, when you walked into the room, that was me giving up a clap offering.” Points for enthusiasm.
“I may not have a job right now, and I may live in my parent’s basement, but I swear to you I’m storing up treasure in heaven and my mansion is gonna rock.” If this doesn’t get her, nothing else will
Bathsheba had nothing on you.”
“Hello. I am Joshua. How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?
"Hey. I'm Will. Gods will."
" How would you like to join my purpose driven life ?
‘Is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you!’
‘You know that Bible says it’s not good for man to be alone, and lately, I’ve been feeling lonely. Want to be Biblical?’
‘i’ve been reading the Book of Numbers, and I just noticed I didn’t have yours!’
‘nice bible’
‘If you were a leper…I would still hold your hand’
And some of them are actually cute and/or funny without being offensive.
“I’m a proverbs 32 kind of guy and you’re a proverbs 31 kinda woman…”
“Let me sell you an indulgence because it’s a sin to look as good as you do.”
“Me. You. Song of Songs: the remix.”
I would bring your father twelve-hundred Philistine foreskins for just one date with you.
When I read philippians 4:8, I think about you
What's your name and number so I can add you to my "prayer" list?
I don't see it, but some people think I look like Samson
I just don't feel called to celibacy
Are you cold ? Maybe we should read Ecclesiastes 4:11.
Are you a preacher? ‘Cause I’d respond to your altar call ANY DAY.
Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead
When I saw you, I knew the true meaning of "rejoice and be glad.
"i would go through more than Job for you"
"shall we tithe?"
"i believe one of my ribs belongs to you."
"i can be your Boaz."
"i sacrifice my sunday mornings to look after the creche group. its tough... but i love children.
. "is this the transfiguration.. because you are glowing"
"hey.. i would work 7 years for your sister.. And work 7 more years for you."
"marry me."
"can I buy you a non-alcoholic beverage?"
"did i just have mud rubbed in my eyes?"
"bathsheba had nothing on you"
"you put the 'cute' back in persecution...''
"so, can i clothe you in righteousness?"
"if you say no, im going to tear my clothes, get in my sackcloth and rub dust into my head.."
"unfortunately i cant perform miracles and ive only got enough bread and fish for 2 people."
"so, my parents are home, you wanna come over?"
"let me remove my sandals before I come any closer.."
"lets say, hypothetically, you were married. I would send your husband to the front line against the Amorites"
"feel free to meet me at the threshing floor."
. "you can lie at my feet.."
"i know its absurd, but every time i walk towards you, it feels like im being lead to bethlehem."
"welcome to the christian family... the only family where brothers and sisters can marry each other"
i did a love tester on your name and mine.. it came back 'predestined'"
"you can come crash at mine tonight. i have a separate room prepared."
"You really have to watch out for that man of lawlessness, but don't worry, I'm not him. You are safe with me"
"It would be my honor to present you spotless on the last day."
when i read philippians 4:8, i think about you
who's your favorite apostle?"
"have you died before? because that looks like a resurrection body to me.."
"you make me want to be a better Christian."
"i will never give you reason to hammer a tent peg through my skull."
"You are a Galatians 5 fruit salad. Youve got all d fruits of d spirit"
"the perseverance of the saints is well illustrated by the amount of time I spend talking to you."
"the Lord Jesus was into carpentry. Im doing an apprenticeship
I know a church where we could go and talk
How about a hug, sister ?
Your Bible looks heavy. Need help ?
(Girls) you put d stud in bible study
I'm sorry, I've found someone more spiritual.
I'm sorry, it's just not God's will.
I feel called to the ministry_very soon and very far from you as soon as possible.
I'm sorry, it could never work. I'm a sanguine and you're a phlegmatic.
God loves me and must have a better plan for my life.
You know, I feel like I'm dating my brother.
At least I got a lot out of our Bible studies together.
You need someone with lower standards.
I think we should just be prayer partners.
And the number one break-up line...
I do love you, but it's just agape now.
My spiritual gift is my good looks... it lifts peoples spirits
You are so unblemished that I would sacrifice you.
You are perfect, except with all the sin.
I went on a beach mission but all I ended up doing was mission you.
Is this the transfiguration.. because you are glowing
I used to believe in natural theology, but since I met you I've converted to divine revelation
Bathsheba had nothing on you
Mark Driscoll takes up 35% of my ipod memory.
Bible-Gateway happens to be my homepage.
Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead
How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?
How would you like to join my Purpose Driven Life?
If you say no, I will rip out my hair and my beard
Unfortunately I cant perform miracles and I've only got enough bread and fish for 2 people.
It's obvious to me that you sprouted from the good kinda soil.
I believe one of my ribs belongs to you.
I just don't feel called to celibacy.
I'm a proverbs 32 kind of guy and you're a proverbs 31 kinda woman...
If we were around with Noah... then you, me... pair.
Let me sell you an indulgence because it's a sin to look as good as you do.
I'm pretty much considered an elder in the congregation these days
Me. You. Song of Songs: the remix.
When I read philippians 4:8, I think about you.
I would leave 99 sheep to come and find you... and then I would carry you home joyfully on my shoulder
Look, you're nearly 22. Most christians are 3 years into marriage by now... just settle for me.
You make me want to be a better Christian.
You make the Queen of Sheba look like a hobo.
Do you need prayer? because I am certainly willing to lay hands on you.
“I would part the Red Sea for you.” It’s the Bruno Mars of Christian pick up lines.
“What’re you doing for the rest of your afterlife?” Hashtag #raptureromance..
“10% of me is 100% certain that I can give you 10% of my heart forever.” This is to be used only during tithe and offering time and is so confusing it just may work.
“Let’s be like Noah and do this as a pair.” Solid. Gold.
“You must be Egyptian because I’m a slave for you.” It’s Britney meets B.C.
“You and me, we’re like loaves and fishes…we just might be a miracle.”.
“Do you want to be accountability partners?” Oldest trick in the book.
“On first dates, I always take girls to get BBQ ribs. It feels the most biblical considering they came from one.” This one is super impressive.
“I know you’ve already said no once, but call me Joshua because I’m going to break down your walls.” I think any woman would love to be referred to as Jericho.
“I’m no Joseph, but I’m having trouble interpreting the dreams I’ve been having about you.” As long as you don’t mention skinny or fat cows, you should be golden. Wait, no golden cows either.
“I don’t know if you noticed but, when you walked into the room, that was me giving up a clap offering.” Points for enthusiasm.
“I may not have a job right now, and I may live in my parent’s basement, but I swear to you I’m storing up treasure in heaven and my mansion is gonna rock.” If this doesn’t get her, nothing else will
Bathsheba had nothing on you.”
“Hello. I am Joshua. How many times do I have to walk around you to make you fall for me?
"Hey. I'm Will. Gods will."
" How would you like to join my purpose driven life ?
‘Is it hot in here or is that just the Holy Spirit burning inside of you!’
‘You know that Bible says it’s not good for man to be alone, and lately, I’ve been feeling lonely. Want to be Biblical?’
‘i’ve been reading the Book of Numbers, and I just noticed I didn’t have yours!’
‘nice bible’
‘If you were a leper…I would still hold your hand’
And some of them are actually cute and/or funny without being offensive.
“I’m a proverbs 32 kind of guy and you’re a proverbs 31 kinda woman…”
“Let me sell you an indulgence because it’s a sin to look as good as you do.”
“Me. You. Song of Songs: the remix.”
I would bring your father twelve-hundred Philistine foreskins for just one date with you.
When I read philippians 4:8, I think about you
What's your name and number so I can add you to my "prayer" list?
I don't see it, but some people think I look like Samson
I just don't feel called to celibacy
Are you cold ? Maybe we should read Ecclesiastes 4:11.
Are you a preacher? ‘Cause I’d respond to your altar call ANY DAY.
Your hair is like a flock of goats descending from Gilead
When I saw you, I knew the true meaning of "rejoice and be glad.
"i would go through more than Job for you"
"shall we tithe?"
"i believe one of my ribs belongs to you."
"i can be your Boaz."
"i sacrifice my sunday mornings to look after the creche group. its tough... but i love children.
. "is this the transfiguration.. because you are glowing"
"hey.. i would work 7 years for your sister.. And work 7 more years for you."
"marry me."
"can I buy you a non-alcoholic beverage?"
"did i just have mud rubbed in my eyes?"
"bathsheba had nothing on you"
"you put the 'cute' back in persecution...''
"so, can i clothe you in righteousness?"
"if you say no, im going to tear my clothes, get in my sackcloth and rub dust into my head.."
"unfortunately i cant perform miracles and ive only got enough bread and fish for 2 people."
"so, my parents are home, you wanna come over?"
"let me remove my sandals before I come any closer.."
"lets say, hypothetically, you were married. I would send your husband to the front line against the Amorites"
"feel free to meet me at the threshing floor."
. "you can lie at my feet.."
"i know its absurd, but every time i walk towards you, it feels like im being lead to bethlehem."
"welcome to the christian family... the only family where brothers and sisters can marry each other"
i did a love tester on your name and mine.. it came back 'predestined'"
"you can come crash at mine tonight. i have a separate room prepared."
"You really have to watch out for that man of lawlessness, but don't worry, I'm not him. You are safe with me"
"It would be my honor to present you spotless on the last day."
when i read philippians 4:8, i think about you
who's your favorite apostle?"
"have you died before? because that looks like a resurrection body to me.."
"you make me want to be a better Christian."
"i will never give you reason to hammer a tent peg through my skull."
"You are a Galatians 5 fruit salad. Youve got all d fruits of d spirit"
"the perseverance of the saints is well illustrated by the amount of time I spend talking to you."
"the Lord Jesus was into carpentry. Im doing an apprenticeship
I know a church where we could go and talk
How about a hug, sister ?
Your Bible looks heavy. Need help ?
(Girls) you put d stud in bible study
I'm sorry, I've found someone more spiritual.
I'm sorry, it's just not God's will.
I feel called to the ministry_very soon and very far from you as soon as possible.
I'm sorry, it could never work. I'm a sanguine and you're a phlegmatic.
God loves me and must have a better plan for my life.
You know, I feel like I'm dating my brother.
At least I got a lot out of our Bible studies together.
You need someone with lower standards.
I think we should just be prayer partners.
And the number one break-up line...
I do love you, but it's just agape now.
I can understand this article looking stupid. Im sorry. I wrote it in December and just somehow didnt post it. You can wait till December to come and read it. Or you can hiss and use some words you cant say to my face and scroll on.
Its that time of the year where the whole
air is full of dust and your throat feels sore and uncomfortable. At this time,
we usually make sure we keep our skin and lips well moisturised to avoid
flaking and cracking. But what do you do about your hair?
We all talk about how the weather
affects our hair but do we really do anything to reduce the effects on our
hair ? Well you need to start doing
something, seeing as there will be many outings and parties this season, and
you don’t want to show up looking scary.
During this season, the sun strips the
hair of its natural oils, and dry heat increases this effect.
In dealing with your hair this season,
whether it be choosing hairstyles or maintaining the one you are already
wearing, you would do well to bear the following tips in mind:
1. Make
sure you choose a moisturising shampoo, even if you do not normally use one. Also
very many conditioners come with Uv protection. You might just look out for
this on the bottle before you buy. Since the weather is dry, your scalp is dry
too and it would need extra moisture.
2. Keep
your hair extensions clean and well oiled too.
3. When
combing either your hair or your extensions, start with your fingers, then a
big comb, before a smaller one. Starting with a small one can pull and damage
your already dry and brittle scalp.
4. Avoid
using too much heat, meaning less blow dryers or curling or flat irons. If you
cant avoid it, protect your tresses by using a good leave in conditioner as
well as protective heat serum or spray.
5. If
you have brittle hair, try to avoid hairstyles such as ponytail which would
require you leaving out natural hair that you have to keep combing as your hair
may fall out especially since it may tangle and get rougher due to the weather.
6. When
it comes to exfoliating, you may need to reduce your use of your facial scrub as over-scrubbing could
damage your skin, leaving it feeling rough and hard.
7. When
it comes to braids, we all agree they make us beautiful, just as we agree they
result in massive hair loss. If your scalp is fragile and sensitive, this is
the wrong time to braid. If you must, do avoid tiny ‘one million braids’. It is
better to wear big braids. Also you might want to consider the ‘brush’ style
which seems to be the braiding trend now. With the brush, the stylist doesn’t
have to pick the tiny strands along the line of your forehead thus eliminating
the risk of losing your hair.
8. You
should wash out your hair after swimming, as chlorine from the swimming pool
can damage it when combined with the effect of the sun. Even if you are on
vacation and you are swimming at sea or the beach, the salt can also damage
your hair.
9. Be
careful not to over wash, as this could also over dry the hair.
10. Use
a soft brush. A hard one might seem easier and faster, but it leaves your scalp
weak and your hair brittle.
Remember that
dryness simply means you will need more moisture. Make sure you have good
quality hair oil and sprays for extra sheen for whatever hair you wear, whether
low or long, natural, braided or human. Our hair is our crowning glory and we
should keep it looking nice and beautiful, regardless of the weather.
Stay moisturised
and pretty !
We all know fruits. We know they are healthy and easy to find. We know they do a lot of good to our bodies. We know they are easy to eat and dont require cooking or long processing. We know that we are advised to eat them rather than junk and in fact a lot of the time, we take fruits to reduce our subsequent food intake, as well as to regulate our bowel movements. Me I'm a little vain o so I'd like to look at them another way.
One aspect of benefits we usually dont place emphasis on is the use of fruits on our skin as a safer as well as cheaper alternative to all our scrubs, masks and other shockingly harmful chemicals we apply on our skins.
Besides the fact that they hydrate and rejuvenate your skin, the very smell of a fruit on your face is quite de-stressing. Here are the four most popular fruits in Nigeria and how they can help you look ten years younger !
A single orange gives you almost a full day's vitamin C, which is known to improve skin texture and color, plus potassium. Oranges are rich in vitamin C that improves skin texture. Oranges contain collagen that slows skin aging process. You can rub the insides of the orange on your skin to tighten the skin. Oranges can also be dried and powdered and used as a natural scrub. Like lemon, oranges too help clear skin blemishes. The orange belongs to the citrus family and is best known for its astringent and toning properties. They help restore collagen in the body which is responsible for skin firming and preventing early aging of skin.
• After eating orange, instead of throwing away the peels, dry them in sun and grind them. Store the mixture and you could use it as a body scrub from time to time.
• If you have extra time to spare, mix the scrub with milk once in a while and apply on your face for about 20 minutes. It gives an instant glow to your face. It also reduces the dark spots and blemishes on your skin.
• Another way to use it is to simply pour boiling water on the peels and leave for a day. Next day, filter the liquid and store it in fridge. Apply the liquid on your face using a cotton ball. Let stay till it dries up. Your face will be firm and glowing. You could also pour this liquid in your bath water and enjoy a refreshing and rejuvenating bath. Your skin will smell fresh all day.
• Finally, take the juice of 2 oranges and freeze in an ice tray. Rub your face with frozen orange juice cubes. It will instantly freshen you up and lift up the tiredness from your face. In addition, the chilled ice cubes will close and minimize the size of your pores. This also provides relief to acne prone skin and pimples.
Papayas also provide a lot of vitamin C and is rich in antioxidants and contains a special enzyme called papain that can kill dead cells and cure skin impurities. A glass of papaya milk or just applying the flesh of papaya on your skin can do wonders to your skin. Rub the Papaya peel on your face after eating the papaya. Let it stay for no more than 5 minutes and wash off with cold water. AHA's (alpha-hydroxy acids), which are the most coveted ingredients of today for their anti-aging properties, are in abundance in Papaya which makes it an acidic fruit. Therefore you should note that if you apply Papaya for too long, it would cause dryness and possibly irritation of your skin.
• Papaya is a great skin-firming and anti-aging mask. Simply mash uneaten Papaya with or without milk and apply on your face. It helps in removing blemishes, dark spots, evens out your skin tone and brings a glow to your face.
• Papaya is also, a natural exfoliator. You will observe several facial scrubs have some papaya.
• Mix mashed Papaya with honey for a hydrating skin mask.
Papaya fruit pulp and the dry latex is the basic component of various creams, scrubs and shampoos. Intake of papaya reduces the effect of stress on the skin. The enzyme papain acts as an exfoliative agent and removes dead cells as well as lifts away dry skin. It also contains anti-oxidants which reduce aging and make you look young again.
We are all familiar with the phrase : ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ . Did you also know an apple a day keeps you glowing all the way ?
• Regular intake of Apple reduces wrinkles and fine lines
• Is a great anti-aging mask due to its high content of anti-oxidants
• Place slices of Apple under your eyes to reduce dark circles or puffy eyes
• Mash a quarter of an apple with milk and apply on your face to remove blemishes and dark spots. It is a great remedy for acne.
• Cut a slice of an apple and apply the juice on your face until the slice dries up. It balances the oil production in your body and is a great hydrating mask.
• Apple provides relief from sunburn due to its cooling properties. Place a slice of Apple in the fridge for an hour or so and then, apply on sun-burnt skin to get relief.
• Apple not only provides hydration to the skin, but, also cleanses.
• Mix a grated apple with honey and apply on your face for five minutes for a hydrated, stress free skin.
Bananas are rich in Vitamin A, B and E and hence work as an anti-aging agent. A fresh mashed banana facial can leave your skin feeling smooth and supple. All you need to do is mash a ripe banana and mix with a spoonful of honey. You could do with or without a small teaspoon of powdered milk. Apply to a washed face and leave for 20 to 30 minutes, then wash off with lukewarm water.You could also mix with olive or coconut oil for moisture.
Even the peel contains antioxidants that can also be us to treat allergies, bruises and mosquito bites as well as well as to cure acne and wrinkles.
As mentioned earlier, unlike the chemical beauty treatments, fruits are cost-effective, natural and also bring a visible difference. Try them today !
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